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About - Brain Health - Welcome to Preventative Health Pathway

About Preventative Health Pathway

Dementia is not a normal part of aging!

A Healthy Brain, a Free Life

A woman sitting at her desk in front of a television.

Preventative Health Pathway has been helping clients for over seven years.

M.Jill Keenon, RN, BSN CBHC ReCODE Practitioner works together with Dr. Jessica Montalvo at to provide holistic and effective health protocols that may help prevent or reverse dementia and focus on gut-brain connection and other autoimmune diseases. We aim to walk alongside our clients in helping them practice these protocols to best accomplish their goals.

My Story

How it started

I watched my precious grandmother live with Alzheimer’s for 20 years and die not knowing who she was or us. My mother began showing signs of cognitive decline in her late 60’s and was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at 70. She too lived with this memory stealing disease for twenty years. On the day of her diagnosis, I found her lying on the floor of her room on her back with her hand over her face. I kneeled beside her and asked what was wrong. She looked at me with great compassion and replied, “I not only know what is in store for me but you too. ” We hugged and cried knowing this to be true. My mother had cared for her mom all those years as I watched. For a few moments, I let this cause great fear in my heart. Then just as suddenly I said, “No, I will fight. This cannot be a normal part of aging.”

What I Did

That day began my journey to fight dementia for myself and others. It has been a journey of trial and error for my health and cognition. I chose to be the guinea pig for all kinds of health ideas. Some worked great, others did not.
For twenty-two years I have researched for answers. I knew I had the most common gene that can lead to Alzheimer’s. I was bound and determined that my story would be different than my mom’s. I became a nurse, found doctors as passionate as me in the race against this disease, became a certified health coach, certified brain health coach, and ReCODE practitioner. As I learned, I changed my lifestyle choices. I can honestly say that I feel sharper and overall better at 62 than at 45. 

What it means

Dementia is not our destiny. I am excited to now have tools to offer others. I long to prevent others from experiencing the devastation I saw with my mom and grandmother. For those that are farther along in decline, I long to bring help and hope to the caregivers in this journey. I also know my declaration I made sitting beside my mother was true and I intend to continue to fight. 

Contact Us

Let Preventative Health Pathway help you take better care of your brain and your health.